5 Common Traffic Violation Questions

Have you been charged with a traffic ticket? Check out these 5 common traffic violation questions, then contact our Rochester lawyers today.

1) What Should I Do If I Was Charged With Distracted Driving and Road Rage?

5 Common Traffic Violation QuestionsDrivers that are using their cell phones for talking or texting are often viewed by other drivers as an annoyance and a traffic hazard, which may result in road rage. If you are the victim of road rage, you should remain calm, do not make any eye contact with the other driver, and call 911 if necessary.

2) What is the Employers’ Liability for Distracted Driving?

Businesses have been held liable for deaths caused by their employees who are driving distracted. There have been verdicts as much as $24 million against businesses. There’s a number of things that businesses can do to prevent distracted driving by their employees. They should have written policies that prohibit all employees from using all electronic devices at all times, whether it’s their personal vehicles or company vehicles. Also, you should do periodic driver’s license checks of your employees, enforce these policies, and make sure you’re complying with all the regulatory requirements of local, state, and federal laws.

3) Can You Go to Jail for Distracted Driving?

Unfortunately, we’ve had a few instances in Western New York where distracted drivers have crashed into other vehicles, on the New York State Thruway, and killed the other drivers, and they have been convicted of manslaughter. One truck driver was, during an online order, filling out a survey when he rear-ended a mother in her 40s. There was a tractor trailer driver who was streaming pornography on the New York State Thruway and rear-ended a woman in her 30s and was sentenced to nine years. You can be convicted of manslaughter for distracted driving which results in the death of another person.

4) As a Parent, How Can I Prevent Texting and Driving For My Teen?

The number one cause of teenage motor vehicle accidents is distracted driving. There’s a number of things that parents can do. There are apps for cell phones that will block calls and texting. Secondly, you need to set a good example yourself, even though most parents are texting in their cars and talking on their phones. Set a good example by not doing so yourself. There’s also a family safety agreement that will be available on our website, in which the children agree not to text or use their phones when they’re driving, if they have passengers in the vehicle, to ask their passengers to take care of the texting or talking on the phone. If they do need to text or talk on the phone, pull over.

5) What Are the Cell Phone Violations in NYS?

Clients often ask me about the penalties for cell phone use in New York State. The penalties have increased over the past few years, due to the increased use of cell phones. A cell phone violation is a 5-point violation on your driver’s license. There is a maximum fine of $400. If you have a junior license, a probationary license, or a learner’s permit, that can result in a 120-day suspension of your license.

Have you been charged with a traffic ticket in New York State? After checking out these 5 common traffic violation questions, contact our Rochester Traffic Violations Lawyers today to learn what your case is worth. Schedule your legal, confidential consultation and case evaluation to get started immediately.

The experienced Rochester Lawyers of Friedman & Ranzenhofer, PC provide dedicated and knowledgeable legal representation to Western New York residents.  If we can be of any service, contact us at one of our seven locations.

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